First look at Black King's Bar and Juniper Face The Corner

My friend Sheenah invited me to watch her band Juniper Face The Corner at Black King’s bar along with other local alternative Indie bands.

I had an awesome night with them. Here are some clips.

We also met Segatron, the ones responsible for the viral Hey Alodia.

Cyrus the virus from Nu 107.

We listened to a good mix of alternative to metal. I didn’t get to remember the names of all the bands aside from my friend’s. One specific performance I liked was with Ravinu.

I liked that Black King’s Bar was serving drinks or food on a pay as you order basis. That way, I won’t worry about splitting the bill with my friends after we’ve had enough to drink.

They are also pretty generous with the food servings, the dips and tissue. Unlike some bars I have been to. Overall the experience was awesome. More power to Black King’s Bar

You can find Black King’s Bar at West Avenue,

You can find Junioer face the corner here.