Really Short Guide to the Philippines

The Philippines is a country composed of 7,100 islands. We are a democracy with a bit of insurgency in the South but the Northern and Central area of the Philippines is pretty cool. The Philippines is a country rich with natural resources and probably have the best weather conditions on the planet. We only have a sunny and rainy season and we do not have hostile climates like scorching dessert heat or cutting winter frost.

The Philippines is a uniquely the best source of labor around the world. Filipinos are famous for being workers and employees because you can hire them at a lower cost and you can expect them to be skilled enough to do almost anything. Filipinos are the only English speaking nation in Asia. We have exposure to the European and American Culture since our civilization started to evolve.

I can go on and on and you can go to Wikipedia to find out more. Or better yet live here for a few years to experience what we have.

This is an informal guide I put together for people who want to live or retire in the Philippines. Most of the lessons will be written from experience and I hope this guide will serve you well.